Wednesday night – 15th April saw the REAST club hold its first virtual club gathering using the marvels of the Zoom meeting and collaboration software.
The night attracted 16 members and comments about the gathering were good.
We kicked off with a run down from the members of the REAST Committee on what we planning with the zoom trial from Richard VK7ZBX and Larry VK7WLH and then moved to a “What has the REAST Committee been up to” segment with Tony VK7VKT and Hayden 7HH.
There was then a broad discussion on the various virtual gatherings that take place that included:
- The 4:30pm Net on the 6m repeater (TX 53.825MHz RX 52.825) each day
- There are a group of people who monitor the 1296.15MHz during the day and so you will most likely get someone come back for a chat.
- There is the 1296.15 QSO Party each Sunday after the Broadcast that you heard about earlier.
- There is the Sewing Circle Net that us now on 3.64MHz from 5:00-6:00pm each day –
- There is Dave VK7OB’s Trout Net on 7.115MHz from around 5:00 pm each day.
- There is a 10m on 28.680MHz and 20m 14.230MHz Slow Scan Television cam hosted here in Southern Tasmania and this is monitored by Steve VK7OO’s and Rob VK7MAG’s SSTV Cams at:
- SSTV Cam 10m –
- SSTV Cam 20m –
- There are many Talk Groups on DMR at Global, National (TG-5) and Local (3807) that there is usually someone you can talk with.
We also discussed having short presentations on subjects of interest for our virtual audience and some ideas were floated.
The members of group who usually attend the Wednesday afternoon group were particularly excited about being able to meet face-to-face again via the zoom facility.
We then opened it up for attendees to put in comments and there was some great feedback, ideas and comments.
We thank Hayden VK7HH and the University of Tasmania for allowing us to host the meeting using the Zoom platform.
We look forward to seeing you there next time.
(73, REAST Committee)