Links to Other Resources

Regulatory Authorities
A C M A Australian Communications and Media Authority, the Australian authority that control frequency use and licensing.
ACMA Amateur Radio Australian Communications and Media Authority, the Australian amateur radio authority.
CEPT European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
E R O European Radio Communications Office (ERO).
I T U International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the authority that co-ordinates frequency use internationally.
I A R U International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
I A R U Region 3 IARU Region 3 (Oceania) Conference Web Site.
I A R U Region 3 Monitoring System News IARU Region 3 (Oceania) Monitoring System News.
Region 3 Band Plan IARU Region 3 Band Plan
Regulatory Documents
Radiocommunications Act 1992
Radiocommunications Regulations 2023
Radiocommunications (Amateur Stations) Class Licence 2023
Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 (amateur beacons and repeaters)
Syllabus Information:

  • ADVANCED: The Advanced syllabus and related examination reflects the knowledge, skills and experience required to safely assemble and operate an amateur station at the highest level without interference to other users and services.
  • STANDARD: The Standard syllabus and related examination reflects the knowledge, skills and experience required to safely assemble and operate an amateur station at an intermediate level without interference to other users and services.
  • FOUNDATION: The Foundation syllabus and related examination reflects the minimum level of knowledge, skills and experiences required to safely assemble and operate an amateur station at an entry level, without interference to other users and services.
Amateur Radio Class Licence
Amateur Radio Class Licence Recognition Certificate
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) References
Amateur Operating Procedures
Amateurs Visiting Australia
Technical Details for Amateur Radio Licences
Amateur Radio Related Fees
Amateur Radio Callsigns
Amateur Radio Resources
QSL Resources
ACMA Rad Comm Database Australian Communications and Media Authority Radio Communications Database
ACMA Callsign Register Australian Communications and Media Authority Amateur Callsign Register
BuckMaster BuckMaster Publishing home page with a listing of Amateurs.
QRZ QRZ home page with a listing of Amateurs.
eqsl The electronic QSL Card Centre
Logbook of the World ARRL’s Logbook of the World
IARU QSL Bureau List IARU list of QSL Bureaus
VK Online Radio Forums
VK Logger Web forums for Australian Amateurs
Other Sites of Interest
IRLP Internet Repeater Linking Project
Echolink Echolink Official Site
eham Ham Radio on the Net
rigpix Rig Pix Database Site
IPS Ionospheric Predication Service – BOM Space Weather Services
S T D Solar Terrestrial Dispatch with lots of useful info for those interested in DXing.
NGDC National Geophysical Data Centre, with lots of information on Solar and Terrestrial Physics that can be related to propagation.
Contests/Awards Sites
Tassie Devil Tasmanian Devil Award
Tassie Trout Tasmanian Trout Award
RD Contest Remembrance Day Contest
RH Contest Ross Hull Memorial Contest
JM Field Day John Moyle Memorial Field Day Contest
Trans-Tasman Contest Home page for the Trans-Tasman Contest.
Oceania DX The Oceania DX Contest
VHF/UHF Field Day VHF-UHF Field Day Contest
Buying, Selling, Wanted & Seeking Information
VKHAM VK2CA’s home page with information for Amateurs including For Sales & Wanteds.
International Amateur Radio Clubs
AMSAT AMSAT home page with lots of information for those interested in satellites.
C E P T CEPT Amateur Radio Club.
D X L C The DX Listeners Club Solar Information page (a must for those chasing in DX)
Australian National Amateur Radio Clubs
National VHF DX Group Australian National VHF DX Group
CW Operators QRP Club CW Operators QRP Club
ALARA Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association – ALARA
ANARTS Australian National Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society – ANARTS
ANVDG Australian National VHF DX Group
HRSA Historical Radio Society of Australia
RAOTC Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club
OARDX Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group Inc
Tasmanian Amateur Radio Clubs
NTARC Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club
NWTARC North West Tasmania Radio and Television Group
REAST Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
WICEN Tasmania (South) Southern WICEN group web pages

Tasmanian Amateur Radio Events

MTV Annual Meet the Voice – Ross – Sewing Circle Net
Biennial VK7 Hamfest Miena VK7 Hamfest – Central Highlands 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020
Tassie Ham Conference Tasmanian Ham Radio Conference and Expo 2022

International Radio Links

Business Studies – Short History of Broadcasting in the USA Submitted by Dylan from a radio and broadcasting class in the US, this page provides a brief history into the origins of broadcast radio and television in the US.
All About Amateur Radio for Beginners Submitted by Eric & Anne Pruitt in recognition of Eric getting his Radio Merit Badge for Boy Scouts.