New Membership

We currently have over 150 members from all walks of life.

2025 membership fees are:

Full Membership for members based in Tasmania is $40 and outside Tasmania it is $20.

Here is what you get the following things for your money:

  • Full representation at Annual and Special General Meetings.
  • Access to club facilities including clubrooms, club station, notice boards, magazines and library.
  • Free use of the internet at the Clubrooms via the PCs or via your own wireless connection at the clubrooms.
  • Weekly club update emails for forthcoming events and activities.
  • Weekly Club e-Newsletter.
  • Public Liability Insurance coverage for official REAST events.
  • Special rates for club projects, events and call-books.
  • Outgoing QSL cards postage is covered to the WIA Bureau.
  • Through REAST’s affiliation with the National WIA – representation at National and International Levels through the ITU, WRC, etc

We have a huge repeater refresh project that is currently being implemented in 2023 that will simplify and improve repeater coverage across Southern Tasmania.

To join REAST Inc. you will need to use our membership portal.

Family Members:

If there is already a member of REAST in your household then you can join for only $10 and get all the benefits a full-fee paying member gets. All we ask is that the family member lives in the same household as a REAST member.

Junior Members:

REAST encourages young people (less than 18 years old) to participate in REAST activities and events. REAST acknowledges and takes its responsibility seriously where young and vulnerable people are involved in our activities/events.

All members, especially those organising activities, have a responsibility to consider and provide a safe environment and consider safeguards dedicated to the well being of young and vulnerable people involved in our activities/events.

The REAST Committee encourages all members and prospective members to become familiar with our Working with Vulnerable People Policy and Parental Consent Form.

If you have any questions then please contact one of the REAST Committee Members